Tag: Ramanujan

The mathematical creativity of Ramanujan FRS (1887–1920)

  • Peter Merrotsy


Article 7 | pages 7589

Issue Copyright © 2020 Tinkr

Article Copyright © 2020 Peter Merrostsy

ISSN: 2334-1149 online

DOI: 10.18536/jge.2020.01.07

The mathematical creativity of
Ramanujan FRS (1887–1920)

Peter Merrotsy

The University of Western Australia

Ramanujan, February 1919 (Source: Trinity College Library)

Ramanujan, February 1919 (Source: Trinity College Library)


The occasion of the centenary of his death provides a poignant opportunity to reflect on the mathematical creativity of Ramanujan, on the cultural and social milieu in which he grew up, and on the educational experiences that informed his development. Attention is drawn to the deep nature of his discoveries in number theory, set alongside a sketch of the humble person who created so many wild and fantastic theorems.

Peter Merrotsy | The University of Western Australia | Graduate School of Education | The University of Western Australia

M428, 35 Stirling Highway | Crawley WA 6009 | Correspondence: peter.merrotsy@uwa.edu.au

Note: The author attests that there are no conflicts of interest, that the data reported here are not used in any other publications and there are no infringements on previous copyrights.